
Italy: Mexico's Ambassador to Italy Carlos García de Alba Zepeda visits the Bonatti headquarters in Parma

Mexico is increasingly becoming the platform for activities in the American continent.


It has been over ten years since Bonatti landed in Mexico. The visit of Mr. Carlos García de Alba Zepeda, Mexico's Ambassador, to the Bonatti headquarters in Parma (Italy) highlights the journey made in the country and marks a true milestone in Bonatti's history, confirming a business model that has proved successful over the years.


We go to the country to work and stay”, these are the words that Bonatti's people pronounced with determination when the Mexican adventure begun in 2011. From the very first project, Bonatti’s men and women have been able to create a business in Mexico that is capable of both realising the investments of the main energy players and fully integrating in the socio-economic fabric of the country.


“I would like to thank Bonatti for the invitation to its headquarters in Parma”, said Mexico's Ambassador to Italy Carlos García de Alba Zepeda, “I am honoured to be here. I would like to express the appreciation and gratitude of the many Mexican families who have a job thanks to this company, as well as that of the Mexican government that I represent in Italy."


Andrea Colombo, Bonatti’s CEO, affirmed: "Bonatti is strong if Mexico is strong. Since 2012, Mexico has been the backbone for the company accounting for up to 20-30% of the total turnover and today we are competing on very important projects that - if we succeed in acquiring - could provide a further increase of our activities in the country”


Succeeding in the country was not a simple feat, as Roberto Castelli, Bonatti’s Sales Director, remembers: “In 2011-2012 approaching the Mexican market was not simple. All the projects we were interested in were “fast track” ones and, as we did not have a presence in the country with personnel and equipment, being invited by leading companies was rather difficult. Enagas, our long-standing customer, assigned to us the first project: it was the Gasoducto Morelos, which gave us the opportunity to mobilise in the country and start work. From then on we were able to take on important projects for customers like Sempra and Transcanada, guaranteeing fast execution of pipeline projects and compression stations. To these types of projects, of which we are today among the absolute leaders in the country, was added the execution of three important fuel storage areas for Sempra, which has taken us to a total production in Mexico of over 2 billion dollars in the span of 10 years”.


Figures define even better Bonatti’s performance in the North-American country, as Donato Santomauro, Director of Business Unit Pipeline & Plant and Manager of the Area America, highlighted: “As the Country Manager, I was able to join Bonatti ‘s Mexican experience from the beginning and today Mexico has become part of my life. Through the years, Bonatti has acquired a prominent role in the development of hydrocarbon transport infrastructures. In 11 years, we laid more than 2,000 km of large-diameter pipelines, we built 5 gas compressor stations, and constructed refined product storage terminals with a capacity of 2.5 million barrels, and we completed all kinds of ancillary works such as jetties, railways and metering stations. Today we are ready to pick up new challenges that will soon materialize: that could only be done by counting on our Mexican colleagues, their world-class skills and their sense of belonging to the company. Our motto «siempre adelante juntos» proves how much Bonatti cares about them and considers them essential.”


As of today, not only Bonatti “has stayed in the country”, but has managed to become Mexican, accomplishing the «ideal» journey of the Bonatti business model: being a true local business with world-class skills


In fact, in Mexico the total workforce is around 2000 people, 99% local nationals and the Mexico City Branch along with the engineering centre of San Miguel de Allende (Guanajuato) with the nearby logistics base (supporting all the work equipment used in the continent) are Bonatti’s crown jewel


The turnover of the operational personnel in Mexico is extremely low and the collaboration with universities and technical schools makes Bonatti “a dream employer” for many Mexican future engineers and technicians


Through the years, the company has been an active subject in the areas where it operates with social initiatives and projects in support of the communities and the most disadvantaged areas


Andrea Colombo, Bonatti’s CEO, added: “In Mexico we have Mexican men and women in important management roles, like our colleagues Luz Maria Damian, Manager of the America Technical Area, and Fernanda Hernandez, our head of Procurement for Mexico: they are high level professionals of

international calibre. Thanks to its expertise and deep loyalty to the company, our Mexican staff is leading us to consider their engagement not only in other American countries, but also in Europe, where we need expertise for ongoing and upcoming projects."


Mexico's Ambassador to Italy Carlos García de Alba Zepeda pointed out: "These meetings lead to important human relations, getting to know each other and understanding the plans, the needs and the challenges, and how our embassy can give its contribution. I was very impressed by the human element of the company, which matters greatly in terms of management and I believe every company should be this way. I see a high level of technological sophistication."


In 2023, gas transport projects are continuing in Mexico, with future launch also of LNG export, and Bonatti is once again at the forefront of new projects for gas pipelines and compression stations under construction in Baja California.


Mexico's Ambassador to Italy Carlos García de Alba Zepeda added: “This visit will certainly be helpful in better understanding the direction of the company in Mexico and exploring opportunities for further collaborations. I believe that there is room for new experiences in Mexico and «from» Mexico. My country can be the platform Bonatti is seeking to extend beyond our geographical borders.”


Andrea Colombo, Bonatti’s CEO, added: “Mexico will increasingly become a platform for the American continent and the Mexican colleagues are supporting our activities also in other countries where we operate, such as Canada and Chile. We feel strongly connected with Mexico, which is far geographically, but very close to each of us at Bonatti.”



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